>Live Sets
recordings from parties.

Live @ Time Rift (167 Megs)
This was recorded from the Renegade Legion / Synergy party Accelerated Culture.

mixes that will no doubt make you love progressive trance.

It Begins (109 Megs)
We start this journey off with a nutral yet somewhat aggressive mix which leads to the next mix, where everything starts to go wrong with our subject.

Insanity sets in (105 Megs)
This is the journey into insanity. Be ready for some very twisted/dark progressive trance. You wont be the same after listening to this mix.

Searching Without Finding (192 Megs)
Looking deep and hard for something, but never really finding it.

Recurring Measures Of Life (107 Megs)
The endless cycles continue to go on as time never ends.

Relentless (96 Megs)
This is the journey into insanity. Be ready for some very twisted/dark progressive trance. You wont be the same after listening to this mix.

The Return (106 Megs)
This is the journey into insanity. Be ready for some very twisted/dark progressive trance. You wont be the same after listening to this mix.

>Old Skool Mix
classic vocal/commercial trance tracks

Old Skool Mix (104 Megs)
Since i took down the monolithMixes i figured i should at least make a mix of the best songs that were in them and put it up here.. so here it is, old cheesy vocal trance for you to enjoy.

Old Skool Mix 2 (99 Megs)
Due to the popularity of my first Old Skool Mix i thought i should make a second one. Good old cheesy vocals. This mix is a bit faster and harder mind you, enjoy.

>Drunken mix:
mixed under the most inebriated conditions

Drunken Mix (105 Megs)
After 14 drinks at the local watering hole i descided to take a step behind the decks and spin some tracks, drunken style! ok, so you probably wont notice that i'm drunk.. but i can assure you i was, you can even ask dino he was there. "Hello this is dino typing, Ian really was drunk while mixing this, and i swear this really is dino typing this."

mixes of deep progressive trance

inTransition 8.0 (103 Megs)
Classic progressive trance, with some breaks thrown in for the hell of it.

inTransition 7.0 (109 Megs)
A Mixed bag of various types of trance, nothing hard, but there are a few pump up tracks, as well as vocal stuff, and some deep progressive.

inTransition 5.0 (105 Megs)
a very progressive set, probably one of my best in terms of mixing.

a veeeeery long set, heh. more then 8 hours of continuous mix, chopped into 20 minute tracks. it starts out progressive, but moves off to some more techno/tribal trance, warning: contains female vocals (some people don't like that kinda trance...).

I decided to take the endlesswave's mixes offline just because they take up too much space and cause i dont' really listen to them very much anymore.

this is my old series of mixes, made over 2 years ago. The mixing isn't as good as my newer mixes, but they still have some nice vocal trance (some kinda cheesy, but.. hey who doesn't like cheese right?)

I am also taking the monolithmix series offline cause i don't feel like re-uploading them to the new server.. but don't worry, there's still going to be more cheesy vocal trance mixes..